Michael Averill
3214 West 10th Ave, Kitsilano
All ages
This event has already taken place.
PLEASE NOTE that if you purchase a ticket to this concert before March 31st, you get a free Michael Averill CD!
Michael Averill is an adventurous Canadian troubadour who delivers stories and songs of serendipity around the country by foot. Through heartfelt roots, folk, and blues, Michael captivates his audiences and invites them to connect deeper within themselves and their communities.
The Kelowna, BC native’s album project, I’d Rather Walk, inspired by his late singer/songwriting father, led to Michael literally strolling through Canada. Since 2013, he has covered over 2200 miles of the country, encouraging conversation about life, laughs, loss, and wellness. The journey continues.
On April 21st, 2017 at St. James Hall, Michael will release his follow up album, All We Ever Need.
Every song in this collection was inspired by and written on walks through various regions of the country about people and places Michael met on the way. What started as a pilgrimage into his father's Yukon past evolved into a deeper study of the value of relationships, and connection to others.
"Michael has a pied piper quality to him. He is a community builder, scene creator, and movement organizer. He is a teacher and inspirational leader that has the ability to gather the arts community around him, and take them in directions they might not achieve on their own.” - Chris Brandt, Executive Director of Music Heals
Onstage, Michael’s performance versatility ranges from gritty lap steel slide blues, to delicate finger-style folk, to driving a cappella shanties about mismatched socks! He combines buttery guitar licks and philosophical wordplay into an intriguing musical experience. Inevitably, show-goers leave with joy filled hearts, new friends, and positively charged minds.
Please note that the admission price for this concert includes a $2 Venue Improvement Fee that we are required by the St. James Square to collect from every patron. Starting in September 2016, the proceeds from this temporary fee will be used for construction projects such as ventilation, flooring and washrooms that will make the hall a nicer place for you to visit in the future. If you wish, you can make a secure donation by clicking on the big blue button at the bottom of the page at www.sjcommunitysquare.org. For information on donating by phone or post, please contact the St. James Square office at 604-739-9373.