The Rogue Folk Club presents

The Faux Paws | Kristina Olsen


The Faux Paws (USA)

Kristina Olsen (BC/USA)




3214 West 10th Ave, Kitsilano

Accessible All ages

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This is a triangle band in a land of circles. Musically impossible to describe, they don’t even fit into todays often hyphenated-genre world. No fan, industry expert, nor member of the band can seem to sum up this band’s sound in any kind of marketable way. They continue to remain a singularly unique outfit in the acoustic music community, always on the fringes, always memorable and with an increasing number of die-hard fans who feel like they’ve uncovered a secret.

Is it bluegrass? Not usually. Old-time? Occasionally. Is it Celtic? Can’t quite say that. Is it folk? Americana? jazz? singer-songwriter? None of the above, but members of the Paws have deep ties to all of these traditions and blend their elements effortlessly to serve whatever musical idea is being presented. So what can we say? This band takes risks. They’re dynamic, exciting, sincere, irreverent, infectious, and surprising. They move deftly between moods, influences and instruments but always maintaining a “groove” that pulses through the music like a heartbeat (you may not always be aware it’s there but it gives the thing life). 

A Faux Paws live show is an explosive roller coaster ride that brings the audience along. Virtuosity on the fiddle, mandolin, guitar and saxophone, sure, but also vulnerability, personal lyrics, tight 3-part brother harmonies, playful interplay, intricately arranged details and soaring improvisations. With the considerable success and praise the band has seen since coming out of the pandemic the Paws decided to add long-time friend and collaborator Zoe Guigueno (Fish & Bird, Della Mae) to their touring outfit on upright bass. Zoe only deepens the group’s already massive sound while freeing each member up for more creative expression on their various instruments.


Kristina was born in San Francisco and raised in Haight-Ashbury during the 1960s. She won the "New Folk" contest at the Kerrville Folk Festival in Texas in 1985.  She is one of the most entertaining and compelling performers on the international acoustic circuit. A superb multi-instrumentalist (acoustic guitar, steel-body slide guitar, saxophone, concertina, banjo, mandolin and piano) as well as an award-winning songwriter with a big bluesy voice, Kristina has audiences around the world coming back for more. Her mix of powerful songs ranging from sassy bottleneck blues to lilting ballads to swing jazz to raunch and roll (as well as her hilarious storytelling) makes for a diverse and satisfying musical experience, on stage, on disc and in book. She has released a total of 14 albums.

“Olsen is an eclectic artist worthy of much more acclaim.” — Los Angeles Times

“Strong songs and guitar playing, great singing and intimate stories... after hearing it I’m in love with the lady.” — Acoustic Musician

“This is Olsen playing solo to the world, and the results are stunning...playing slide guitar with a fury, finely crafted songs, personal and delivered with fire...” — Folk Almanac

“..wicked blues slide guitar...soon her storytelling becomes so wonderful, and her music so expressive, one realized that the untamed Olsen is more valuable than any slicker version could be.” — Boston Herald

“Such was the candour of her songs and chatty tales that it would impossible for anyone with blood in their veins not to empathise with her. Her full-throated voice and crisp guitar served up such diverse subject matter as crop- dusting and prostitution, while a revealing yarn about life- drawing classes introduced The Truth of a Woman.”  — John Shand, Sydney Morning Herald

“It is indeed a rare occurrence to be so completely captivated for an entire concert by one person and a guitar, but American singer/songwriter Kristina Olsen certainly managed this and more, delivering a highly entertaining show to a capacity audience for over two hours. From her opening songs I felt that this was a person I had known for much longer, the supreme accolade any storyteller can wish for. The audience of predominantly fortysongethings loved it, demanding that Olsen return to the stage for three encores.”— Patrick Shepherd, Christchurch Press, Christchurch, New Zealand

“To begin with the songs, they are those wonderful gems of song writing which don’t rely on any particular genre for their beginnings. Olsen builds melodies, not styles. She can wind them into unpredictable combinations which then become lovely melodies or she can deliver them in straight lines which become jazz- or blues-oriented pieces. Her guitar stylings are wide, ranging from delicate, complicated runs to aggressive direct blues runs. She’s a sharp guitarist, able to provide herself with both the rhythm and lead pieces she needs to give her songs solid solo support. As a storyteller, Olsen is similarly wonderful, mixing earthy observations about herself and those around with the occasional comment about society’s various shortcomings. Most of all, though, Olsen is funny, noting those things which innocently point out where she and all of us provide material for comic relief. She’s talented, funny, and observant, and consequently she becomes the witty friend who shares her life with you, not preaching to you or insisting on our praise to maintain the friendship.” — Roots & Reel

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