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Rogue 33 RPM | May 21 |This Day in Rogue History
On this day in 1992 we presented a unique double-bill with English singer / harmonica player Julian Dawson and Kenya's "Fanta-bottle" kings, Abana Ba Nasery at the Wise Hall. Julian is a direct descendant of the founder of Dawson City, and he had a brief moment of nationwide fame when he serenaded some of the stranded airline passengers on CBC TV in Gander, NL, after the 9/11 terror attacks in NYC. He was also a member of Iain Matthews's band Plainsong. Abana Ba Nasery accompany their ringing guitars by rubbing sticks on the ribbed glass bottles of the popular soft drink, Fanta! This was a fun show, but the turnout was lamentably small. Scroll down to page 3 of our May 1992 issue for more info.
In 1994 we presented the brilliant Irish singer / songwriter, radio personality, and devout peace activist Tommy Sands at the Wise Hall. it was his 3rd Rogue gig in 3 years, but we haven't been able to bring him back since then. You can read a bit about this remarkable man on the cover of our May 1994 edition.