TriVo and Fraser Union

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3214 West 10th Ave, Kitsilano
All ages
This event has already taken place.
Please note that regular discounts including Parcels O'Rogues are not available for this special fundraiser.
THE EAST VAN GOGOS Present 'Small Change For Big Change'!
All proceeds from this concert will go to the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign of the Stephen Lewis Foundation, which supports grandmothers ("Gogos" in Zulu) raising a generation of children orphaned by the AIDS pandemic in 15 African countries. Grandmothers in Africa have risen above their grief to put their grandchildren through school while leading the way by rebuilding communities and advocating for change in their societies. Canadians have raised more than $27 million for the campaign, which supports community-based organizations that provide necessities such as school fees and uniforms, counselling for grandmothers and orphaned children, and micro-credit loans. The East Van Gogos is one of more than 250 such groups across Canada. The Grandmothers Campaign movement, founded in 2006, is growing, with groups now in Australia, Great Britain and the U.S. For more information, please email
Join the East Van Gogos for this musical event in partnership with the Rogue Folk Club. The evening includes the always-inspiring vocal harmonies of TriVo as well as timely songs of engagement by Fraser Union. Come ready to parlay your “small change” into big change by participating in the raucous, live loonie auction, where every auction item will cost you only a loonie!
TriVo is Brian Tate, Dawn Pemberton and Karla Mundy.
An award-winning composer, as well as an accomplished and versatile musician, choir director, and educator, Brian Tate attributes the success of his multifaceted career to a love of working with people and a passion for the arts. As a vocalist, Brian performs with his jazz quartet at festivals, clubs, and in concert. In 2010, Brian founded and is currently the music director for Vancouver's vibrant, 100-voice City Soul Choir. He is known internationally for his lively choir workshops, excellent conducting skills, gift for bringing out the best in choirs, and for his exhilarating and inspiring choral compositions / arrangements.
Vancouver soul dynamo Dawn Pemberton has a deep musical foundation rooted in tradition. Dawn spent her formative years surrounded by a family of multi-instrumentalists and developed a true love of music as a young girl. In addition to regularly collaborating on the projects of her peers and having an educated background in jazz voice and piano, Dawn is a talented and passionate songwriter in her own right. A staple of the West Coast music scene, Dawn can be found tearing it up as a vocalist, arranger, and go-to for live performances and studio sessions.
Karla Mundy is a vibrant, soulful and diverse vocalist, pianist, arranger and choir leader. Karla directs four Vancouver community choirs, co-conducts the Island Soul Choir on Vancouver Island, leads harmony singing workshops and performs extensively throughout BC and Alberta. Karla specializes in world vocal traditions and rhythms and is passionate about ‘getting the music off the page’ and learning to embody the rhythm of the music.
Together, these talented folks make up TriVo ... a dynamic and versatile vocal trio that brings to life music from many cultures and traditions around the globe. From the music of West Africa to Southern Bluegrass, Bach to Bebop, Cuban chants to Gospel shouts, the vocal artistry of Trivo thrills and delights audiences of all ages.
Fraser Union was first formed in 1983. The current members have been together since 1987, performing and recording songs that have a great deal of meaning to them and their audiences. A quick look at the range of music on their recordings, BC Songbook, This Old World, From There to Here, Hello, Stranger and Split Shift indicates that Fraser Union is not easily pigeon-holed. Their three strong voices present some songs a cappella and others accompanied by a variety of instruments including guitars, mandolins, dobro and banjo.
Many of their songs tell stories of BC: "Bank Trollers" (about West Coast fishing), "Snap the Line Tight" (log salvaging), "The Ballad of Robert Harkness (about the Cariboo gold rush), "Song for Robert Dziekanski", "Canning Salmon", "Truck Driver's Song", "Hard Rock Miner", "Salmon Circle", "Drill Ye Tarriers", "Kettle Valley Line", "When the Tide Goes Out", "The Grand Hotel". Others come from the workplace: "Coal Town Road", "Chemical Worker's Song", "Woman of Labrador", "Empty Nets" (woes of fishing), "Ships of the Deep" (merchant shipping), "Everything Possible" (child-rearing), "Their Way" (post-secondary teaching), and "The Ghost Program" (computer programming).
But some tell stories from other times and places: "The Last Battle", about the Métis uprising and the last stand of Louis Riel, "The Goodnight-Loving Trail," about the most valuable member on the cattle drive--the cook, "Augustus and Catherine," about the Overlanders and moving West, and "Lady Franklin’s Lament," about the ill-fated Franklin expedition. Fraser Union also sings contemporary songs with a bite: "Pipeline Blues" (oil and gas industry), "Song for Robert Dziekanski", "Canaries in the Mine" (about environmental hazards in an aircraft factory), "One Big Highway" (globalization). Whether on recording or in concert, Fraser Union’s repertoire contains no throw-aways.
They've performed at the Filberg Festival, ArtsWells Festival, Vancouver Folk Music Festival, Vancouver Island MusicFest, Seattle Folklife Festival, Islands Folk Festival, Mayworks, Winter Roots Festival, and at countless benefits and coffee houses.
The Rogue Folk Club is pleased to provide great Sponsorship Opportunities for all our shows. For a nominal cost, individuals or businesses can sponsor any of our shows and reap a number of benefits - free tickets, reserved table, recognition on literature, our web site and at the concerts. For more information, simply contact our Sponsorship Director Morris Biddle at