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Rogue 33 RPM | June 27 | This Day in Rogue History

On this day in 2015 Tom Russell & Thad Beckman played for the second
successive night at St. James Hall in support of Tom's new "folk opera" The Rose of Roscrea.

In 2011, Nashville bluegrass banjo diva Alison Brown brought her mighty fine Quartet to Capilano University's Blueshore Stage for a concert under the auspices of North Shore Jazz / Vancouver International Jazz Festival. Great band! In exchange for helping publicize the show in Steve's Blog we were given tickets and I took some photos. 

In 2004 there was a North Shore Jazz show at Presentation House with BC's gypsy jazz group The Marc Atkinson Trio. See page 4 of our June 2004 issue for brief details.

The suave and eloquent American songwriter Chris Smither played at Capilano College on this date in 2003. See page 2 of the June 2003 Review for a preview penned by Cap's Arts Management Program Executive Director Fiona Black.

Scroll down to the bottom of page 2 of our June 2002 edition for a brief write-up of our Cape Breton Dance at the Wise, featuring the legendary fiddler Carl MacKenzie - who sadly passed away in 2018 - and Dougie MacPhee from Nova Scotia. We used to hold a lot of dances at the Wise Hall back in the day. (Until the regulars in the lounge had complained vociferously enough about the plaster falling onto the pool table and into their drinks when the dancers got too excited upstairs to get them all stopped!)

Finally, the delightfully wacky Canadian Slavic quartet The Romaniacs performed the third of their three nights at The Savoy. See our fledgling 1987 newsletter for details.