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Rogue 33 RPM | May 19 | This Day in Rogue History

At the Wise Hall in 1997 we presented Australia's legendary folk band The Bushwackers - a sort of southern hemisphere Dubliners - with Vancouver's English ceilidh band Jiggery Pokery - with yours truly playing a minor role on percussion - providing the opening set. It was a memorable night! See page 6 of our May 1997 issue for details.

Our only other gig on this date was in 2017 when we presented a double-bill with
Vancouver's Israeli guitar wizard Itamar Erez and Ontario's Brazilian songstress
Flavia Nascimento at St. James. When the two performers played together with his backing
band - Francois Houle on clarinet, Andre Lechance on bass, and Liam MacDonald
(pictured on right) on panderoa and percussion - the musical sparks were really fun!