3. The State of The Rogue
The Vancouver Sun today published their Fall Entertainment Guide, and there were exactly zero Rogue shows listed. This is disappointing, of course, but not altogether surprising. The Rogue has been flying under the radar for almost four decades now, but we would not have survived for many weeks let alone years unless there was something very special about our shows.
Trends may come and go, bands may soar into the higher echelons of the music biz, or peter out altogether, but so many performers have cut their teeth at The Rogue down the years. We strive to bring you new and exciting music, and are extremely proud of our record. Of one thing you can be certain: a Rogue show will always showcase supreme musicianship, exemplary sound, and the maximum audience comfort and experience we can muster. Our performers are either new to the market or introducing new and innovative music, with solid roots in one or more musical traditions. In short, we urge you to come to The Rogue as often as you possibly can, bring your friends, and let's share this amazing music in the city's best venue for acoustic music!
If there is a downside to our continuing longevity it is that more and more people - be they performers or other presenters, or even community groups wanting to stage a special event - the venue becomes harder for us to book. We have had to change our MO to book further ahead than ever before, and sometimes we need to double-up acts to accommodate all the performers we feel have something special to offer to you, our loyal supporters. Sometimes we find it so hard to find an open date that coincides with touring schedules that we end up with more than one concert in a week, and nothing the following week. The music is the most important thing! We are so thrilled about the concerts we present that we offer a 100% guarantee that if you don't feel a concert lives up to our billing, we will give you a credit to a future show.