1. James Keelaghan, Saturday February 11th, 8pm, Mel Lehan Hall at St. James (3214 West 10th Avenue)
 Another Rogue favourite returns with a new CD ("Second-Hand", on Borealis Records) which is so good that it won the Penguin Eggs Critics Poll as Album of 2022 just last month - even though it was released just a few weeks before then! James Keelaghan is one of Canada's finest songwriters, indeed famed music writer Dave Marsh has called him "Canada's Best"! With good reason.
Again, tickets are available for in-person - and they are selling fast! - as well as streamed-at-home viewing.
2. Radio Waves
 On this week's edition of The Saturday Edge On Folk (8am to noon, on www.citr.ca) I'll have new music from Scotland (Assynt), Sweden (Northern Resonance), Denmark (Lea Havelund), USA (Mary Gauthier), Senegal (Kimi Diabate), UK (The Furrow Collective), Haiti / Quebec (Wesli), Hawaii (Taimane), and Canada (JP Cormier and Dave Gunning) plus concert previews for Rogue shows and a few other local shows besides. Plus lots of surprises and whatever else sneaks in to the playlist. I hope you will join me!
3. CFMA News Coming Soon!
 The Canadian Folk Music Awards are coming to Vancouver! March 30th - April 3rd. At The Rogue's venue at St. James Community Square! It's going to be a fabulous event, with all manner of showcases and receptions, awards, and even a movie! We will have full details next week!!
4. International Folk Alliance Conference
 Margaret and I are heading down to Kansas City next week for the International Folk Alliance Conference! It's a huge event with hundreds - nay, thousands - of musicians and industry professionals from all over the world. I will be given the supreme honour of receiving a Spirit Of Folk Award, too!
5. Steve's FlickR Page
 I've just added some of my photos from the Rogue's January shows to my FlickR page. I'll continue to add photos as we go along. Feel free to drop by and relive some Rogueish moments! Leave a comment if you're so moved, too. Thanks!
Have a great week! See you at The Rogue!!
