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Rogue 33 RPM | May 25 | This Day in Rogue History

On this day in 2001 we teamed up with Vancouver promoter Frank Weipert and Teamworks to present Fred Eaglesmith - with Washboard Hank and Willie P Bennett in his band - and opening act The Waifs  from Australia - a big hit at the Folk Alliance in Vancouver in February 2001 - at Richard's On Richards

In 1988 The Romaniacs opened a two-night stand at The Railway Club. (Scroll down to page 4 of the May 1988 Review for more details.) This quartet featured Calvin Cairns  Ron Thompson  Scott White  and Steve Bengtson as four "refugees from Eastern Europe". Delightfully wacky and fun with superb musicianship they had been  big fave at Expo 86 and were always a popular draw at The Savoy and Railway. Maybe a reunion would be a nice idea, guys?