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Rogue 33 RPM | May 26 | This Day In History

On this day in May 1996 we co-presented Rachel Page and Her Fabulous Big Band at The Cultch. (Scroll down to Page 6 of the May 1996 issue for details - and also take a peek at the adjacent column about Steve's hectic week "On The Edge"!!)

In 1995 we presented Ontario-born, Calgary-based (at the time) singer songwriter and excellent traditional singer Eileen McGann - with David Knutson on guitars, and bass - at The Wise Hall. See our May 1995 issue for details on Page 4) Eileen and David now reside on Vancouver Island.

In 1993 we presented the Quebec / Vermont trio Jeter Le Pont at the Wise Hall. Claude Methe (fiddle) and Dana Whittle were joined by Martha Pellerin in this band. Sadly, Martha passed away in 1998, but Claude and Dana continue to make excellent Quebecois trad music under the band name Zigue - who played at The Rogue in 2019. The opening act was Les Frondeurs (loosely translated as "The Splitters": Graham Baldwin, Brian Chisholm and Steve Edge - 3 members of Jiggery Pokery who played French Canadian music. Well, we tried real hard!!) Scroll down to Page 5 of the Rogue Folk Review for more details of this show. 

In 1988 The Romaniacs finished a two-night stand at The Railway Club. (See May 25th for more information).