Steve's Blog
Stellar Concerts at The Rogue this Fall!
Tuesday September 2, 2014

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Welcome to the Rogue's Fall Season 2014!
Hello everyone


Hope you’ve had a great Summer. We’ve had some amazing experiences, travelling to festivals and taking in some incredible scenery along the way. We’ve had a few memorable concerts as well. At the same time we’ve had to cope with the departure of Linda Bull, Admin Assistant / Publicist extraordinaire, and we’ve hired a new Admin Assistant -Anneke Rees - who will take over some of Linda’s tasks. Linda will continue to spread the word about our shows from wherever she happens to be (in the electronic age, she can do this from Denmark - where she began her latest trip - or from Italy - where she will experience some more musical adventures - or from Spain - where she will attend the huge WOMEX conference at the end of next month - or from Australia - her next port of call - where she will spend Christmas.) We’re not sure where she will go to next, but we are sure to continue to present concerts and keep you entertained and enthralled.


We kick off our Fall Season with two concerts and a dance this coming weekend. We hope that you will come to at least one of these shows. You won’t regret it! And we reckon you will rue a missed opportunity if you don’t!

Eliza Gilkyson is one of the most consistently impressive and relevant troubadours of our time. A succession of memorable recordings dating back over two decades includes her latest -The Nocturne Diaries. She performs this Friday September 5th at St. James Hall with the brilliant Nina Gerber joining her on guitar.
Former Po' Girl Allison Russell brings her new trio to The Rogue for the first time this Sunday September 7th.Birds Of Chicago will wow you with their glorious harmonies and memorable songs! Their eponymous debut CD is wonderful

Coming Soon

Carlos Nunez (Friday September 19th, 8pm, Centennial Theatre, 2300 Lonsdale, North Vancouver) - “Pipe music as if played by a Coltrane or a Hendrix.” - THE GUARDIAN, UK

Carlos Nuñez is the undisputed master of Galicia’s signature musical instrument, the gaita, or Galician bagpipes. He made his Rogue debut in February with his superb quartet. He made a big impression on everyone there, and received one of the longest and most explosive standing ovations we’ve ever witnessed at The Rogue!


Mark Sullivan with Daniel Lapp, Andy Hillhouse and Craig McGregor (Friday September 26th, 8pm, St. James Hall, 3214 West 10th Avenue) - CD launch for the 9th recording by this award-winning Ontario old-time / Celtic fiddler. His new CD, The Gathering Room, showcases his versatility and impressive fiddle playing, and those guys backing him up are among the best in the business! 


Quartete a Tete (Saturday September 27th, 8pm, St. James Hall, 3214 West 10th Avenue) - Lynn McGown, Michael Pratt, Vanessa Kay and Michael Viens - sing with a wonderful sense of fun, passion and with harmonies both beautiful and unique. Their music is contemporary traditional and originals songs that entertain, delight and always touch the heart with an uncanny way of getting a crowd singing full throttle. In the words of the late Utah Phillips on stage at Van. Folk Festival "you gotta hear these folks they are the real thing!"

For full information about our concerts, and to purchase tickets, please visit 

or call The Rogue Hotline