1. Marin Patenaude Band with special guest Mark Stuart, Friday November 29th 8pm, Mel Lehan Hall at St. James (3214 West 10th Avenue)
 This concert with sublime singer Marin Patenaude and her excellent band takes place TONIGHT! With opening act, the brilliant guitarist and songwriter Mark Stuart from Nashville. He's a former member of Steve Earle's band The Dukes, and is married to Steve's sister, the wonderful singer Stacey Earle(who is taking time off the road to look after her ailing Mom)
Marin's latest appearance at the Rogue was at our Fundraiser a couple of years back. What a voice she has! I was so moved by her performance on Stage 2 at the Vancouver Folk Music Festival in July that I offered her a Rogue gig on the spot!
To get you in the mood for the show - or perhaps to encourage you to take chance on it! - I'd like to share this article with you from The Vancouver Sun & The Province: Cariboo singer trades her cabin in the woods for the recording studio Marin Patenaude is excited for her upcoming concert and second album, to be released in 2020. Read Shawn Conner's fascinating interview here
Tickets and information can be found online. Tickets will also be available at the door.
2. Mairi Rankin and Eric Wright, Saturday November 30th 8pm, Mel Lehan Hall at St. James (3214 West 10th Avenue)
 Cape Breton fiddler Mairi Rankin recently moved back to Nova Scotia from Abbotsford BC. Not to worry, though. We are bringing her back to the left coast this weekend with her new project - a duo with the amazing cellist from The Fretless - Eric Wright. They recorded a superb CD - The Cabin Sessions - late last year and we saw them perform at Celtic Colours last month in Judique (see above photo). What a great show! Such stirring music, with Mairi's powerful soaring fiddle underpinned by Eric's rhythmic chops and emotionally-charged and resonant cello! If you love the sound of Alasdair Fraser and Natalie Haas - the renowned fiddle / cello duo who played here in September - you have an idea of what to expect. What you also get with Mairi and Eric is their unrestrained joie de vivre. Mairi has to be just about the most enthusiastic and photogenic fiddler in the country! I just can't stop smiling when she's playing!
I hope to have a phone chat with them tomorrow morning on CiTR. See below for radio show details.
Meanwhile, you can find out more about them, and buy your tickets, online.
3. Cool Yule and Xmas Gift Ideas
 Our annual festive celebration of the season, Cool Yule, takes place on Friday December 13th at St. James with local gypsy jazz sensations Van Django joined by the lovely chanteuse LJ Mounteney. This year's event is dedicated to the memory of Keith Bennett, the harmonica wizard and crooner who played a big part in Cool Yule over the past few years. Sadly Keith passed away this Fall. He will never be forgotten.
 You can also stock up on jam when John Reischman & The Jaybirds (above) bring Trisha Gagnon's award-winning confitures - and a jam-packed show of Bluegrass and Country Folk - next Thursday, December 5th at St. James!
Looking for some gift ideas for the folk and roots music aficionados on your gift list? Why not gift them a Rogue Folk membership and / or a Parcel O'Rogues 10-ticket pack? Or a Gift Certificate in any amount? Or just buy them tickets to see a show or two in January or February or March? Our concert calendar is being updated this weekend, with exciting show announcements on the way! You can also find details of memberships Parcels, and Gift Certificates online at www.roguefolk.com
4. Help Wanted I find myself becoming increasingly swamped with administrative tasks to support our concert series. Grant reports, GST returns, payroll and withholding tax returns, and concert summary reports all demand my attention. There are day to day tasks like concert preparations, bar inventory, volunteer and artist hospitality, and, of course, HEAPS of requests and enquiries from prospective performers. We also keep a record of past concerts, assembling photo albums and recording archives. Plus I have a radio show to prepare every week, and this involves a considerable amount of research. And then there's this weekly blog - which, thanks to the accumulation of these other tasks - doesn't always go out on time or even every week!
If anyone out there can help me out with some of the financial and grant reports by joining me in our Granville Island office for a couple of hours a week (maybe more at the beginning of the backlog!) please email me at steveedgeonfolk@telus.net
We are also in need of help setting up and maintaining our Instagram page. None of us at the office knows much about Instagram, and we have been floundering quite a bit as we strive to add this valuable Social Medium to our online presence. If you are an Instagram expert or just an enthusiastic novice with the basic skills, please contact us on concerts@roguefolk.bc.ca
5. Radio Waves On this week's edition of The Saturday Edge On Folk (Saturday 8am to noon on CiTR fm 101.9 and streaming live on www.citr.ca) I'll feature the new posthumous CD by Leonard Cohen, as well as new recordings by English troubadour Rory McLeod, Celtic / Slavic supergroup Mozaik, Solas' multi-instrumentalist Seamus Egan, the remarkable new Irish cooperative The Crannua Collective, and new music from Canada's east coast by the likes of The East Pointers, Beolach, Natalie MacMaster, and Dave Gunning. Plus previews of Rogue shows and a whole lot more. I also hope to have a phone chat with Mairi Rankin and Eric Wright, who are holding a workshop in Roberts Creek tomorrow before they head to Vancouver for our concert. I hope you can tune in and turn me on! |