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Thursday November 4, 2021

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Four Outstanding Concerts Of Roots Music from around B.C.! Plus our AGM is coming up, and we have lots of ways to stay safe and still enjoy the music!


1. AGM Notice, Friday November 19th, 6pm, Room 120 downstairs at St. James Community Square, 3214 West 10th Avenue

The Rogue Folk Club is an incorporated non-profit Society in the Province of B.C. and we hold an Annual General Meeting of our members. This year's AGM will be on Friday November 19th at 6pm, just prior to the opening of the doors for our concert with Pharis & Jason Romero. You do not need tickets to that show or to be a Rogue Folk Club member. Please come downstairs to Room 120 at the rear of the building.

We will be there from 5:30pm on to process memberships if you need to check your status and / or renew. If you wish to vote at the meeting, you must be a paid-up member. We will be happy to extend your membership for 12 months if it lapsed during the pandemic.

The meeting will be short, with a brief overview of the annual report and financial statements, and an election of Board members. Full details of the "slate" of candidates will be available soon on our website.

2. Mark Perry Trio, Friday November 5th, 8pm, Mel Lehan Hall at St. James, 3214 West 10th Avenue

“Mark Perry had our audience captivated through the entire show. His heart shines through in his voice and his songs. Mark Perry's performance is a ‘must-see’ and a ‘must-see again’.” ~ Bruce Champion, Terrace Concert Society

We are very excited to bring you one of B.C.'s most prolific and gifted storytellers in song - Mark Perry, from Smithers. He has just released his 13th CD, Northwest, and will bring some copies for sale. It's another excellent collection of songs about his home town and other parts of B.C.'s rugged north west - including a compelling song about Haida Gwai's legendary Golden Spruce, which was toppled by an environmental activist in an attempt to draw attention to the plight of our precious first-growth forests. There are songs about folk escaping to the north to get away from cities the world over; songs about the decline of the fishing industry and, as ever, Mark's songs are filled with humour and delivered in his easy-going baritone voice. He will be joined by Alex Cuba's bass player Ian Olmstead, and versatile bluegrass musician Mark Thibault (Hungry Hill). Mark has long been a Rogue Folk favourite, and we felt it was high-time we brought him back. Especially with such a strong new collection of songs. 

For more information about the show - and to purchase tickets - click here

3. Tower Of Song / Roots & Grooves, Friday November 12th, 8pm, Mel Lehan Hall at St. James, 3214 West 10th Avenue

Next week we have a remarkable double-bill for your delectation. Spreading our "net" beyond the Lower Mainland, we have reached across the waters to Vancouver Island and Protection Island (off Nanaimo's shore.) Back in the 1970s Rick Scott(right) was a founding member of the pioneering folk trio Pied Pumkin - along with Shari Ulrich and Joe Mock - and he has played many Rogue shows down the years. His most recent Rogue triumph was his induction into the BC Entertainment Hall Of Fame: a sold-out show on a hot night in July 2019, when The Pumkin reunited and were in stellar form! Rick recently teamed up with the amazing pianist Nico Rhodes (left), and they released their debut CD - Roots & Grooves - a couple of years back. You may have seen them at The Rogue before (they played at Rick's big night too), or at the Mission Folk Music Festival. With Rick's funky dulcimer work and Nico's incredible keyboard virtuosity these two make a uniquely soulful sound. Did I mention they are great fun, too?!

The second half of the show is a tribute to the iconic Canadian poet and songwriter Leonard Cohen, who passed away a few years ago this month. The leading protagonists are Victoria singer Glenna Garramone (right) and bassist / banjoist Oliver Swain (aka Tower Of Song). We had the pleasure of seeing Oliver in a garden concert in Gibsons the other week. What a performer he is! His three-octave vocal range is stunning, and he is a virtuoso musician as well, with years of playing in a variety of great bands like The Duhks from Winnipeg, and Louisiana's Red Stick RamblersTower Of Song have played twice at The Rogue (May 2014 and January 2017) and we are thrilled to bring them back.

They will be joined by two extra special guests: Marin Patenaude (above. She's the sister of Pharis Romero, and one of my favourite singers anywhere), and  Adrian Glynn of The Fugitives. Marin was a star of the show when The Rio Theatre paid tribute to Leonard Cohen after he had passed away, and Adrian has toured with Chelsea Hotel, a very popular and critically-acclaimed travelling show which featured many of Cohen's finest songs. 

Tickets are selling fast for this one! You can still purchase yours here, but I would urge you to act fast to avoid disappointment.

4. Increased capacity
A week or so back Dr. Bonnie Henry the Provincial Health Officer announced that indoor venues could increase capacity from 50% to 100%. We have had six wonderful concerts so far this Fall, ensuring that everyone in the room has a vaccination passport and wears a mask at all times when they aren't sipping a drink or munching a cookie. We are delighted to say that we have had no problems thus far. 

We remain very concerned about the ongoing pandemic and strive to ensure that all our concert attendees are safe. With this in mind we teamed up with Hubcast Media to live-stream our concerts (thanks in no small part to their receiving a generous grant from Creative BC to obtain new cameras and lights.) This has enabled remote viewing of our shows for anyone not comfortable going out into a crowd - indoors - during the pandemic. We will continue to offer this service. In fact, we are working on a Season pass which would enable to you to watch ALL these shows for one price. Stay tuned for details! Right now, tickets for the shows is a mere $10 each.

Furthermore, we are definitely not comfortable with going up to 100% capacity. We feel that having 114 people in the hall was definitely safe, but going to 227 is too big a leap. So we are capping the tickets at 70%, which will enable us to sell up to 145 tickets and keep our volunteers and crew socially-distanced too. 

We hope you will continue to support real live music from B.C. - whether in-person or online - at The Rogue.

5. Sold Out Shows
Our other two November shows - Pharis & Jason Romero on the 19th and Jane Mortifee & Shari Ulrich on the 26th - are already SOLD OUT at 70% capacity!Thank you for helping us keep the music flowing. And don't forget you can watch these concerts online if you missed out on an in-person ticket. They are going to be amazing shows, not to be missed!!

6. Saturday Edge On Folk

On this week's edition of my weekly radio show, The Saturday Edge On Folk(every Saturday from 8am to noon on I'll have some Indian music for Diwali - The Hindu Festival of Light - in the first hour. Plus a Remembrance Day feature, and a little look at Wake The Dead's annual Day of the Dead show, which took place last week at The Freight & Salvage Coffee House in Berkeley, California - the closest thing to a "Rogue Folk Club" in the Bay Area! New releases will include the new LIVE CD from Toronto's Lonesome Ace Stringband (recorded at The Anza Club a couple of years back); Robert Plant's guitarist Justin Adams' latest project: a collaboration with Italian musician Mauro Durante of Canzoniere Grecanico SalentinoSuzie Ungerleider's new CD; the new offering from Canadian stringband The Fretless; American bluesman Corey HarrisInsurrection Blues; and European Celtic quartet Fourth Moon. All this and heaps more. I hope you will join me!